Sinhala  Tamil    Seperate    
Governtment of Sri Lanka

The Road to Reconciliation and its Enemies


Documented Evidence and Logical Argument against
Emotional Exaggeration and Soundbites


Table of Contents




Part 1 – The Road to Reconciliation


1.   Investment and Education for Development

2.   Stability and Confidence for Revitalization

3.   Civil Military Liaison – The Key to Social Progress

4.   Overcoming Constrictions and Tyranny

5.   Promoting Contact

6.   Making Connections

7.   Individual Innovations and Initiative

8.   Independence Day Celebrations at the Rehabilitation Centres

9.   Returns for the Old and the Recently Displaced

10. Promoting Prosperity and Reconciliation in Amparai

11. Rehabilitation Programmes in Vavuniya

12. Romance and the Protection Racketeers


Part  2 –  Addressing concerns of the international community systematically – is it possible?


1.   Concerns after the war

2.   Concerns with regard to hospitals

3.   Concerns as to civilian casualties

4.   Civilian casualties during 2009

5.   Concerns about humanitarian assistance

6.   Supplies during the conflict

7.   Concerns as to sexual abuse of the displaced

8.   Sexual and other abuse of captured or surrendered cadres

9.   Conditions at the welfare centres

10.  Treatment of surrendees   

Part  3 -  Networks of Informers


I.   The Channel 4 independent witnesses

2.   Damilvany Gnanakumar and her attacks on hospitals

3.   The omission of Sir John Holmes and the Old Order

4.   The Tiger use of No Fire Zones

5.   Mysteries about why UN Convoy 11 stayed on in the Wanni and who stayed behind, for an abortive rescue mission of staff held hostage by the LTTE

6.   Stories the Darusman Report would not hear

7.   Gordon Weiss and his military mentor: Jonas Savimbi as predecessor to Mr Prabhakaran

8.   Gordon Weiss the Heroic Vitalist

9.   Does Barack Obama have a ‘Multiple Civilian Casualty Policy’ in dealing with terrorism?

10. Colonel Harun and the food convoys

11. Harun and the sea of stories

12. Misrepresenting limitations on humanitarian assistance

Part 4 - Entrenching Prejudice – the Double Standards of Philip Alston and Christoff Heyns


1.  A Loverly Bunch of Coconuts – Philip Alston on Centre Stage Again

2.  The Schizophrenic double act of Alston and Hayes

3.  Alston Specializes in Obfuscation

4.  Christof Heyns and his Optical Zoomers

5.  The covert and defensive worlds of Spivack and Diaczuk

Part 5 - Masters of Deceit and Death


1.   Death Eaters and the Return of the Dark Lords of Terror

2.   The Twittering Establishment tries to drive wedges between Sri Lanka and the UN

3.   Reviewing the Channel 4 evidence in the light of acknowledged LTTE executions of wounded captives

4.   Tiger propaganda videos as spoofs

5.   Hypocrisy or Delusions – the Wickedness of David Miliband and Bernard Kouchner

6.   The relentless posturing of Navi Pillay

7.   Louise Arbour – Wicked Witch of the West or a Munchkin?

8.   A time warp for the International Crisis Group

9.   The interlocking directorates of the new imperialism

10. Promoting Confrontation

11. Tearing Americans Apart – Groundviews and the Surrender of Terrorists



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