Born out of a need to institutionalise the peace process, the Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process (SCOPP) was established on 06 February 2002 with the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers. The Secretariat was headed by Bernard Goonetilleke (2002-2004), Jayantha Dhanapala (2004-2005) and Dr. Palitha Kohona (2006-2007). Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha was the Secretary General of SCOPP until its closure on 31 July 2009.
Secretary General
Deputy Secretary General
SCOPP employees were drawn from both private and public sectors and included specialists in Communications, Diplomacy, Economics, and Law.
For over two years since its inception, SCOPP was under the direct purview of the Prime Minister. It was then brought under the direct purview of H.E. the President.
SCOPP was primarily a coordinating and facilitating body. It was the main instrument of the Government to consolidate and strengthen the peace process. SCOPP engaged in extensive consultations with all stakeholders involved in the peace process, including the public and private sectors, civil society, donor community and line agencies on a regular basis.
To act as the cutting edge of the Government to consolidate and strengthen the peace process on behalf of all Sri Lankan citizens, whilst promoting a negotiated settlement to the current conflict.
To develop confidence in the peace process and its potential benefits for all Sri Lankan citizens, whilst building up an institution that is equitable and acts in the national interest of all our people, and is accepted as such.
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